Contact Wendy Knowler to discuss your corporate training and speaking requirements. These can be either virtual or in person. If you’re looking to gain the competitive edge in these increasingly challenging times, exceptional customer service is key.
Wendy has a wealth of experience in this area and hosts themed or tailor-made training workshops for businesses around South Africa. Of particular relevance since the impact of COVID-19, is how companies have responded to the changing needs of their customers. Some are getting it right – others are getting it horribly wrong as their mentions on social media reveal.
Wendy’s expertise, based on more than 20 years of mediating conflict between consumers and companies, will help you be among those companies getting it right.
Wendy Knowler as your brand’s ‘Mystery Shopper’
Imagine the insights you could glean if Wendy Knowler put your brand through her ‘mystery shopper’ programme? Wendy offers a deep dive analysis of your brand’s main customer-facing touchpoints, including your email interactions; website; call centre or reception; social media presence and responses. She will provide a report detailing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats – ultimately giving key recommendations on urgent steps to take to remedy any glaring issues. Contact Wendy for more information.
** Please note that Wendy is not able to attend to consumer queries or requests for assistance via this form, but via her Facebook page.
Contact Wendy Knowler for Booking enquiries via the form below.